Loomy Thoughts

Monday, October 09, 2006

My apologies

for not keeping the blog up the past several days. You didn't miss anything though - no crafting was done, unless you count assembling my grandmother's rigid heddle rug loom. :-)

Tonight's plan is to re-warp the scarf (Mattel) loom, as I need a project for when I'm out of town this coming weekend and this loom is small enough (barely) to travel with (this is DH's scarf that hasn't been working out as well as I'd hoped). And, depending on how that goes, I'll also warp Grandma's loom. Hopefully I'll be able to get DH to help me with the warping. Though I can warp by myself, it goes faster if he can lend a hand.

If the first warping doesn't go well, I'll work on the wrap pockets - I should be able to get those finished this week. I do want the shorter shuttles for use on the scarf loom, so I will either have to make some more or finish the wrap. Any guesses which will happen? LOL Hmm... I probably need to make another one or two anyway - my current 'shorties' are kind of wide and thick for the scarf loom. I will try to get some pictures to post tonight/tomorrow as well.

Hopefully this week will have more crafting in it!



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