Loomy Thoughts

Monday, September 25, 2006


Ta da! The crocheted throw, with my helper:
Since it's only two squares wide, my 'foot pocket' is centered over two squares, not allowing me to to fold the throw into the foot pocket like a pilloghan; and it's too limp to stand alone, so I think I'll make a band or cord to wrap around it when it's rolled up. This may also help keep my helper off of it when not in use. Then again, I'll probably not be able to leave it on my chair - it appears he spends a lot of time in it when I'm not home (many long silky white hairs on the seat have ratted him out).

The blues in the two pictures really are the same, with the chair-picture hue being most accurate.

Mmmmm... alpaca.... The last time I tried to spin alpaca I ended up with a relatively thick and no-longer-soft cord. :-( I'm going to check my spinning book(s) tonight to see if I can find some hints to keep that from happening again.

This is a beautiful shiny chestnut brown, and soooo sooooooft - I don't want to screw it up. Spinning may commence tomorrow.

Since it's Monday, it's Do-Nothing day. :-) I'm thinking of assigning particular days to crafty pursuits to see if I can get more done - we'll try 'Tuesdays are for Spinning' this week. That's usually my shopping day and I'm just so tired by the time I get home and put stuff away that anything more mental is impossible. Perhaps Wednesdays and Saturdays for weaving, and Thursday can be a knitting day. Sunday could be potluck - or a Finish it Already day - I sure could use several of those. :-D

Now if I can just remember it all....


  • I've often thought I needed to have assigned days to my projects. Let us know how it works for you

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/26/2006 4:40 AM  

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