Loomy Thoughts

Saturday, September 23, 2006

A rainy & cool Saturday morning...

A day to sit by the fire with your dog by your side (actually, in our case, on my lap) and a big mug of hot tea, and a pretty weaving project - oh wait, we don't have a fireplace. RATS. :-) (Though we may have finally agreed on where to put one last night. :-D)

Sorry I've been away from the blog - I actually don't have much to report. I haven't been doing much weaving or spinning, but a crochet project from February caught my eye last night so I worked on that. I might get it done today or tomorrow, but it's a figure-it-out-while-I-go kind of thing (a lap throw with a pocket for my feet).

I might do a "JUST FINISH THE DARN THING ALREADY" day - I have a gazillion unfinished projects of all types laying around. The crocheted lap throw; 'top off' the bobbin already on the spinning wheel, which shouldn't take very long; empty a bobbin so I can start spinning the alpaca (yikes - I tried spinning alpaca a long time ago and had an awful time!); the tied rug; the wrap on the Harp; I need to re-warp the Mattel loom and restart DH's scarf; and of course the beautiful Baltic Sea stole. But these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head (oh, there's a crochet bag around here somewhere too....) Hmm... kind of looks like I should prioritize this list. :-)

Of course, there is the housework I should be doing... naaah. :-D Since the robot is vacuuming (I think it needs a name - suggestions? It's red and round) I think I'll work on the throw to start with. It's sea monster day on the Sci Fi channel so there's plenty of TV to watch too. :-D


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