Loomy Thoughts

Monday, March 12, 2007

I've been in a crafting funk lately...

I did throw a few picks on the scarf this weekend, but it's really hard to weave with a 60-pound dog on your lap, and he was there most of the weekend. I didn't spin because my hands are so dry they snag everything. I can't decide what to weave or knit next, and my carpal-tunnel-affected hand has been sore so it's been easy to 'avoid' knitting/crocheting. I did enjoy the new Hawaii Five-0 first season dvds that just arrived in the mail though. :-)

I do need to get back to my knitted-lace project, and I have an interesting dishcloth pattern I was knitting (assuming I remember where I was in the pattern). I should pick up an UFO or two and work on that - I need to go back and look at how I planned to get all of these UFOs done or frogged.

I also want to try entrelac, if I can find the pattern I had picked out to start with. If I could just get motivated....



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