Loomy Thoughts

Sunday, October 22, 2006


My friend & I had a BLAST at the spin-in. There aren't any 'real' fiber events around here, so this was a first for me. There were fiber folk everywhere, and several small vendors. They had workshops plus a beginner's area, and everyone was so nice. I live in kind of a dead zone for weaving/spinning stuff, so I'm already looking forward to next year's spin-in. :-D

I came home with Ashford mini hand cards, which really aren't so mini! They are smaller than usual, though,
and I have small hands so I hope they work better for me - I've tried regular hand cards and I am pretty clumsy with them. I practiced with the minis last night, and did quite a bit in about in hour, compared to the flick-carding I was doing. I didn't find the handles very comfortable, but it's probably because I've only carded one other time in my life and don't have the technique down to where it's easy-going yet. I'll be seeing how my new rolags work shortly.

This also followed me home:
SILK HANKIES. :-D The color is a bit off on the picture - it's really darker and more blue than turquoise. My sister had given me some hankies in a green-yellow colorway and I haven't gotten to them yet, but I couldn't resist the colors in this.

WOOL! The flat piece is a batt, naturally-brown sheep's wool overdyed with green (and it's not quite so olive as it looks here). It looks really nice, and will make a nice scarf for my winter coat (probably 2 winters from now, as fast I spin!). I have no idea what I'm going to do with the red roving, and I'm not really a red person, but it called to me. :-)


oh my - the colors in this! I think these are dyed locks (yeah, I'm a beginner spinner too). I will probably have to card or flick-card them - if I flick-card them they will be more variegated than if I card; I'm not sure that I can spin them as-is. Luckily I bought 2 bags of them as I am going to have to do a bit of experimenting with them.

I also bought a couple of balls of generic roving for the Hearthside project, which may or may not work. I'll be experimenting with that as well.

Tonight - spinning while NBC re-runs the first few episodes of "Heroes". :-D



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