Loomy Thoughts

Monday, February 01, 2010


I finally finished weaving the Brooks Bouquet project on the Flip!  I didn't get a photo yet, as it looks kind of scraggly since it's been on the loom for... 8 months or so and I still need to tie and trim the fringe and wash it, but it felt good to weave again - it's been a long time.  Now I'm eyeing the Harp project (last year's weave-along for the Yahoo rigid heddle group) - it shouldn't take too long to finish, especially since I really want to get back to work on the rug on the Hearthside loom. :-D


I've started a new project on the Penguin.  It's a merino-cashmere (YUM!) blend from Corgi Hill Farm on Etsy (I cannot resist her stuff!) in blue-purpley shades - beautiful!  It's spinning pretty fine, and I'm struggling to spin a tiny bit thicker so I can at least see it. :-)  It's still soft even when thread-thin - I love this stuff!

Will post photos later - probably in a new post since I might not get photos for a couple of days. 

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