Loomy Thoughts

Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm still here!

I haven't really had anything to show you, plus we've been having so many storms that our internet is often out anyway (gee thanks, HughesNet!).  There was one sunny day that I was able to sit out on the deck for a bit and watch the sparkles in the Tiger Eye go 'round and round. :-D  (Which of course is well nigh impossible to catch with a camera.)

I have about two hours' worth of spinning left on the Tiger Eye singles, and then I'll turn them into a 2-ply.  No idea what I'll do with the finished yarn, but it certainly pleases my inner magpie!

I did a spinning demo with a friend this weekend, and ended up taking several spindles though I'm not much of a drop spindler so I'm not the best for demoing spindling. :-)  After spinning on the Penguin all day, I decided to try out my little cotton spindle and do a silk hankie.  I don't know if it's the colors, or that it seems to be going pretty quickly, but I can't hardly put it down.  I'm well over half-done (it's really hard to tell how many layers I have left) and will probably be done tomorrow since it's Spin Club - I'll have both the Tiger Eye *and* the hankie ready to ply!

(It's a little darker than that, but once I again I had the *worst* time trying to get the colors right)

This will also be a two-ply, because I'm getting quite a variation in thickness on this. :-/

edited post to add:  I haven't forgotten about the great wheel, I just haven't had a chance to work on it lately.  Hopefully this weekend I'll get it up and running. :-D

I started another tomato plant (actually two) in the Topsy-Turvy planter this year - they are doing quite well so far!

And a parting shot of our apparently-brain-damaged female cardinal -

She keeps flying into the window, over and over again.  When she stops flying into this window, she flys into another one on the same side of the house.  I haven't seen a nest in the area so I don't know why she's hanging around, but I hope she's ok.
