Loomy Thoughts

Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Lazy" with a capital "L"

I've been a bit lazy again this week, so not much was accomplished.  Although... I did rearrange the guest/fiber room *again* - this makes 3 times since I brought the great wheel home!  So far I like this iteration:

I tried spinning my friend's BL rolags on the great wheel, and I'm still doing a really bad job of it.  I'm going to keep trying -  but I definitely get better results with spinning longdraw from the fold.

I took the Bulky Pinkie in to work and have started the Jacob

 so that's one less wheel in the house.  Also the tiny Normandy wheel is off on the next leg of it's journey this week. :-)

I also started the baby camel/silk blend on the Reeves - it sure looks different after spinning, but I still love it.  So far it hasn't been too challenging to spin, other than there is a lot of flyaways.

I also whipped up this spindle for my sister, who may be interested in spinning.  Originally I was going to lend her my spare Spindolyn, but I think the likelihood of her really being interested is low, so we'll start her on this.
It's a bit heavy for drop-spindling, but I'm going to try to get her to use it as a supported spindle.  It will be easy enough to make a lighter one (which I may do before I see her this weekend) as well - these are just toy wheels and dowels from Hobby Lobby. It spins *forever*. :-)



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