Loomy Thoughts

Sunday, August 21, 2011

More spindles!

Besides making supported spindles, I've also purchased a few from Bristlecone .  He is quite the artist, and he and his wife are lovely people. :-D  Here are my two Glindles:

He makes the glass 'marbles' for the tips himself - aren't they awesome? 

My Twindle:
Awesomely SPARKLY!!!  I've yet to find time to actually spin on them, except for a few mintues, because I've been making spindles as well. 

I made one for my sister out of zebrawood:

I was pretty pleased with how this one turned out. :-)  I made some more as some Spin Clubbers were interested:
The two on the right were snapped right up, and the one farthest left has been spoken for as well to use in the French spindle manner since it's very lightweight.  I'm going to try a 'bona fide' French style, but didn't get to it this weekend. 

I also turned this spindle for a friend:
I was very surprised (and pleased!) how well this turned out.  Practice helps, but I really think it wanted to be this shape.  I think it's Maccassar ebony (it was marked 'ebony') as it's not black, and it spins wonderfully and feels awesome in the hand.  She loves it! :-D

Today I turned another phang, as I've been wanting to for awhile.  Surprisingly, it takes as long or longer for me to turn a phang as it does a Russian even though they look like they would be simpler!

This is lignum vitae, which has a scent.  I also used the small leftover bit to make a little 'dish' - I'm not sure how well the button-dish will work since it's only about an inch across and about an inch tall, but will find out after the Danish oil dries. :-D 

I've even been spinning - well, plying.  I started plying the merino/yak on the Polonaise.  I've not plyed on the Pol before, and I think I like plying on the Babe better, but only because it's faster to set up.  Oh and spinning on the Tiny Tibetan. :-)

For my sister:

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