Loomy Thoughts

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The first week

of Tour de Fleece is under my belt, and I'm already faltering. :-/  I'm finding it difficult to do so many different things in an evening (even though it's only 3 things - spindle wheel, supported wheel, flyer wheel).  But I've been spinning on the Tibetan:

and the Russian:
(silk hankie)

and the great wheel (except for the past two days)
(unknown fiber)

And I finished plying the camel/silk on the Bulky Pinkie:
It took me ALL WEEKEND to ply the camel/silk. :-/  I'm not sure if it was because it's fine (2-ply at ~24 wpi) or if it is due to use the BPinkie.  And I overspun the singles, so I don't know how the yarn will turn out.  Keep your fingers crossed!



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