Loomy Thoughts

Monday, July 04, 2011

I should have done a before picture...

This weekend I went to my mom's and worked on her neglected yard (actually, I've been working on it the past couple of years but really made progress this time).  Now it looks pretty nice!
I'm still not finished, but it is sooo much better!

In spinning news, the Tour de Fleece has started! :-D  I had to start late due to being away at Mom's, but I made up for it today.  I worked on the Reeves project and the Tibetan & Russian spindles and my great wheel  For the spindles my goals are to learn how to use them (Tibetan & Russian) and improve my techniques (the great wheel), so I won't be spending quite as much time on them as on the wheel-spinning.

I'm continuing the pygora on the Tibetan:

And I started a CHF silk hankie on the Russian:

The Reeves project looks the same (though still very pretty)

as does the great wheel fiber, though this was my view while I was trying to spin on it this afternoon:
I didn't do much 'walking'!



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