Loomy Thoughts

Saturday, July 29, 2006


I was within an inch of finishing placemat #5 last night before I quit for the day. I have got to find something more comfortable to sit on - ouch! I did finish #5 this morning. :-D

I sure could tell I was on the last mat - I had more trouble last night than I've had the entire project - starting with mis-cutting the cardboard for the spacer.:-( I gave up when I needed to add yarn to the shuttle and the yarn was so tangled I couldn't make heads or tails of it and just cut off the tangled

If I was planning to do 5 placemats, I couldn't have planned the warp length any better, as you can see. Unfortunately, I wanted 6. I'm debating stopping now, or adding onto the warp (or, I could just do a new (short) warp). So far, however, I have not been able to find instructions in my various weaving books for adding length onto the warp after the fact. I don't think any knots will fit through the heddle. I have two more books to check, and then a decision to make (yes, I could wing it as I could make the join in the spacer area, but I would like to see how it is supposed to be done).

I'm also typing the project record sheet from Betty Davenport's "Hands On Rigid Heddle Weaving" into an Excel spreadsheet. I need something to gather this project's info in one spot, and as I develop a method I'll be able to edit my spreadsheet to fit how I do things (I'm a HUGE fan of spreadsheets), so that is taking some time as well. Using a spreadsheet (or Word doc), I'll also be able to save pictures of the project with the project data. Then I'll just need to remember to print everything out. :-D



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