Loomy Thoughts

Sunday, August 27, 2006

A dreary Sunday morning

It's raining again today, and though I like the rain, it seems to make our lousy dial-up connection even worse. I've been having a lot of trouble uploading the pictures I took for the blog. Since I'm having so much trouble, I'm going to have to go with what I've been able to load so far.

I did get a few hours of weaving in yesterday, though progress isn't obvious because of this:

I have to stop after each pick, bring the heddle close to the 'web line' to line up the pick, then carefully pull the new pick's edge into place. If I don't, since the yarn sticks to itself so badly the edge pulls in really tight and the edge would be much more uneven than it is. This really slows the weaving process down.

I took another picture of the web (which I couldn't get to load) - it looks pretty much the same, though I seem to be getting more 'nubs' ('slubs'?). I think I'm not advancing the warp as often as I had been, so I'll have to start paying closer attention to that.

Here is the partially-woven scarf with the new warp I hope to use - it's not quite the same color, but I think it will work better than the acrylic - at least I hope it will.

I had hoped to get to the halfway-point on the rug yesterday, but I counted the pegs on the side and there was just no way I was going to be able to do that. The next time I work on it I should get at least that far, though. I need to get that done so I can put the frame away and make room for the 27" RH. Either that or put the loom upstairs in the living room. It will have to stay whereever it is until the project is finished, so I'd better be sure it's where I want it. I still need to plan the project though, so I don't need to rush just yet.

Today I'll probably just work on the garter stitch shawl. I hope to make a pretty good dent in it today, so I can finish it and get back to the Baltic Sea Stole. Maybe I'll do some spinning today too - haven't done any in quite awhile, and there's actually a cobweb on the wheel!



  • The grey looks beautiful - even if it is a pain for you to weave, it looks like it will be worth it! Is it going to be a wrap?

    By Blogger TheKnittingBee, at 8/27/2006 5:11 PM  

  • Thank you! I do hope you are right about being worth it. :-D Yes, it is a cotton/acrylic version of the mohair wrap in "Hands On Rigid Heddle Weaving".

    By Blogger CL, at 8/28/2006 6:54 AM  

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