Loomy Thoughts

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wednesday night

I worked on the wrap for about an hour, but it looks pretty much the same so I didn't take another picture yet. Perhaps I'll get more done tonight - though it will probably still look the same. :-) Hmm... what can I take a picture of for the next entry....

I must admit I had more fun last night watching my new Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner work. It's surprisingly quiet, and didn't freak out the dog, much to my surprise. He did keep a pretty close eye on it though! LOL

Tonight's plan is some weaving, and putting stuff away in the craft room, and maybe even some rug tying, as I didn't get to it this past weekend. I need to get that project done and out of the way so I can set up my grandmother's loom in there - there's not enough room for both (and I need to figure out where to put the tying loom - it's HUGE). It actually shouldn't take me long to finish the tied rug if I just do it. And I should probably work on the garter stitch shawl - I only did one row Tuesday night. Guess I'd better start a to-do list!



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