Loomy Thoughts

Monday, April 16, 2007


Comes way toooo early in the morning. :-)

I had a bit of fibery fun this weekend - I spun some more alpaca and it's going quite well - but I was sidetracked by the laptop I borrowed from work. I must admit it was pretty cool being able to have the laptop in whatever room I was in and able to check my mail and such, but it certainly put a damper on doing anything else. I think a laptop would be counter-productive for me - at least until the novelty wore off (which would probably take awhile ).

But my new desktop is supposed to arrive tomorrow, and my Spindolyn is supposed to ship today (YAY!), so this should be a good week. I have some pink mixed-wool fiber (batt?) that I bought at the spin-in I attended in October. I had meant to use the pink in my mom's roving-rug, but ended up not needing it after all as I had enough of Grandma's quilt batting. I haven't figured out if I need to prep the fiber at all though, or if I can just 'tear off' strips and count that as roving. Guess I'll be experimenting!

Disappointing news - the tiny local 'fiber fair' apparently won't be held this year. :-( Then again, I haven't spun the stuff I bought over the past few years yet, so between that and what I bought at the spin-in I'll be busy enough until the next spin-in in October!

If it hadn't been for that laptop, I would have started winding the warp for the towel(s) on the Harp this weekend. I've been avoiding it because I 'want' to try using the warping board again, as it is something I think I need to learn how to do properly, but my first attempt was pretty much a disaster. Oh and I need to figure out how long the towel should be. I need to see if I can figure out length from the towel instructions in the Ashford RH book I have. Perhaps I'll do that today - I really need to get that loom warped up!

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