Loomy Thoughts

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hmm... what's this?

(merino/tencel 80/20)

And this:
(silk hankies)

And this:
(alpaca/merino blend - very black with very dark red/dark teal highlights )

And this:
(Wensleydale lamb/yearling & kid mohair/tussah silk/silk noils 35/40/15)

And... oh my...
This last batch is raw baby alpaca - the softest stuff I have ever laid hands on. WOW. The peach is very clean; the dark dark brown/black has a lot of vm in it so I'll probably doing that one outside. Current plan is to ply the two together, if I can stop petting it!

Yep, I went to the annual spin-in and bought way too much fiber - I'm going to have to clone myself to get all this done before next year's! I bought a lot more this year than last, but I am spinning more as well (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!).

All of the fibers are very soft (except for the hankies). Everything is roving except the hankies and the alpaca - the alpaca is in locks, but appears to be very easy to spin without having to prep it. I love the colors too, and can't wait to start spinning them. Hmm... I'm going to need more bobbins or another wheel....

I actually did some spinning this week too - at the spinning club meeting the optional topic was silk hankies:

This is a hankie my sister gave me a few years ago. It's surprisingly purpley, as the hankie had a bunch of yellow or yellow/green in it that has kind of disappeared. I'll be winding it on a wheel bobbin when I'm done so I can see if there are color progressions. I'm doing this on the Liten Spindle - it's PERFECT for this!

Look! A finished skein (except for setting the twist etc etc etc):

The furry Brown Sheep stuff - after Navajo-plying it's much less furry and looks much better.

Look - weaving! :-D

The first week's weave-along square at eLoomanator's blog, in linen. The linen turned out great for a lacy effect. I am way behind in the weave-along, but these little squares go so quickly it shouldn't take me long to catch up.

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  • Mmmm Lovely fibery pics! I have been tagged and am passing the favor along. See my blog for details.

    By Blogger nancy, at 10/28/2007 5:26 PM  

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