Loomy Thoughts

Saturday, October 06, 2007

It's Saturday!

I'm still in the fall-cleaning mood, so little crafty stuff has been done. Unless you count cleaning the guest room-turned-into-crafty room. This is what it looked like before.

The guest room had become a disaster, between the previous fall cleaning and just not having a spot to put stuff. So yesterday I took off work a bit early, went to Target to pick up a couple of shelf-type things, and got to work.

I'm not finished yet, but it's much much better. I especially like having a cube for the paper, shuttles, and pieces of venetian blinds I use for warping, as the basket I had them in was always falling over. And I can walk in the middle of the room now.

I may go back to Target and get another connecting-cube unit - I really like that I can put it in any configuration. This shelf unit is for spinning stuff (plus a leftover cube for my bobbins); the the cube unit in picture number 1 is set up for my weaving stuff. And both of these units can go into my craft room someday, if I ever get my stash pared down and sell a couple of treadle sewing machines. Now I need to figure out where to hang that clock....

This is how far I've gotten on the eloomanator weave-along,

but after I get this post finished, I'll be finishing this square. (And start lunch.) And then I'll work on the Flip warp, and then I'll start another Weave-It square. And I need to squeeze some spinning in - I need to get that hairy stuff finished or take it off the wheel so I can start the Brown Sheep roving for a sideways sweater. It's too hot and muggy to do anything outside (in October?!!), so I'll be doing inside stuff unless DH remembers whatever it was he or we were supposed to do today.



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