Loomy Thoughts

Sunday, May 04, 2008

It's Springtime!

The crabapple is blooming like crazy...

As are the fruit trees...

So why the long face?
Oh yeah - because I got on a cleaning kick, so he didn't get his usual quota of laptime, poor baby.

That also means I didn't get much done in the crafty department. I did do some spinning on the Brown Sheep wool today. The Pedal Pusher isn't making as much noise as it was, though it still wobbles quite a bit. It seems to be working ok though. I'm having a serious carpal-tunnel flare-up and the spinning seems to aggravate it, so I'm going to have to be careful with spinning for awhile.

Today was so nice I decided to do a bit of weaving on the deck with the scent of the lilac bushes in the air. It was lovely, and breezy and cool enough to be not-very-buggy.

I'm close to the end of the warp already! I'm going to have to start thinking about how I'm going to finish it.

Tonight, I need to do some Bonhop stuff. I haven't taken the cloth off the loom yet as I need to do the record-keeping measurements first.

I haven't decided if this is going to be a spinning-oil-bottle bag, or an mp3 player bag - or both, if it's long enough (which it probably isn't). Sure was fun though!

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