Loomy Thoughts

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Another crafty weekend...

And we actually have weaving content!!

I finally started weaving on the RH group's weave-along - doesn't it look great so far? I hated to stop, but I need to do a couple of things (like laundry) today.

Of course there was spinning - I got the Babe Production out and resumed working on the red colonial wool from The Fold; not much to see there that you haven't seen before.

I also washed the plied wool from last weekend - I'm pretty sure I over-plyed the gray stuff; hopefully it will be better after I re-wind it. (fingers crossed)

But my-oh-my look at this:

Looks pretty awesome in a skein! I liked it so much I started something else on the Tenor Spindolyn - black alpaca roving:

And I'm planning to spin a little bit on the Polonaise today, if I don't forget. If this keeps up, I might just make a dent in the spinning stash!

I also did a little knitting. This is the Turtleneck Capelet from SweaterBabe:

Least-helpful-photo EVER - but my cable is a bit too short to spread it out safely. I'll be switching cables soon. I'm expecting this will be done pretty quickly since I'm using super-bulky yarn, even though I may make it longer than the pattern calls for.

I made this a couple of weeks ago. It's a fast project (crocheted), but it turned out a bit large and it used far more yarn than I expected. It's a Lid Grabber Hat (found on Ravelry). I'll make it again, but I'll use sport-weight yarn instead next time.

I liked the colors (Gumdrop) of that yarn so much though (and I needed a cone of Baby Blue for the WAL above) that I ordered a cone from Elmore-Pisgah - where I also found this:

Interesting colors in the colorway (Sunflower), in a cabled sport-weight perle cotton. Neat-looking yarn, and I can't wait to try something with it (though I need to get a couple of other hundred projects done first! :-/) I also got a couple of cones of 'regular' sport-weight cotton. The colors weren't quite what I expected, but they may make an interesting combination when woven together.

I have no nature shots for you today; the hanging tomato still looks pretty sickly but it has (cherry) tomatoes on it. We're having some weird weather this summer so it will be interesting to see how the plants do.

Till next time!

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