Loomy Thoughts

Friday, June 05, 2009

Weave-along starts tomorrow!!

In the RH Yahoogroup. :-) It will be easy enough for beginners yet interesting for non-beginners as well, so if you're interested, go sign up!

Other than that, I don't have much to report. I did some more spinning on the new Tenor Spindolyn:

I wasn't enjoying the alpaca I was spinning so I stopped that and decided to finally spin this Blueberry Sundae from Spunky Eclectic that I've had forever, waiting for my spinning skills to improve. I'm still not spinning as evenly as I'd like on both Spindys and wheels, but I'm not overspinning on the Tenor like I had been.

Here are the older-style Soprano and the new Tenor side-by-side, so you can see the difference:

The base is taller on the older one, as well as the spindle being longer. I think I like 'taller' a bit better than 'shorter', but I love how the Tenor spins.

And now, the tomato update:

Still spindly, especially compared to the potted tomato of the same variety you can see in the background, but the tomatoes are still on it and there are more flowers on the opposite side of the plant. :-D

And now I think I'll join the Spaniel on the deck on this beautiful day and do some more Spindolyn-spinning. Maybe I'll even drag Freya the Polonaise out there later and make it a Spinning Day ('Freya', 'Friday'... perhaps it's karma!). :-D

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