For spinning teachers, and a loom rant...
Well, ok - they are both rants.
Dear Spinning Teacher:
When I walk into a spinning workshop with a Babe spinning wheel, please wait until we've done some spinning or ask me about it - and try very hard not to be dismissive - before you dis my wheel. You don't know me or how long I've been spinning or what I've spun on which wheel. Dissing my wheel when I first walk in makes for an unhappy workshop attendee. And you basically told me that you weren't going to help me, because I have a Babe and one time someone else had a Babe and they had an awful time in your workshop. Huh?
And since you didn't ask -
YES, I can spin fine yarn on my Babe Production wheel.
NO, my Babe doesn't wobble hither and yon nor threaten to fall apart - my Babe is a sturdy, versatile spinning wheel.
No, a Babe Production wheel is not the optimum wheel for fine/super-fine spinning, but that doesn't mean it can't be done. Address difficulties with spinning this stuff using Irish tension (Babe is only one manufacturer) along with Scotch tension spinning difficulties - adjustments have to made for both types of wheels.
I've done 99% of my spinning over the years on my Production wheel, and it has always done what I've asked of it, thankyouverymuch. I noticed that the expensive wheels didn't make spinning this stuff easier for everyone; several people with more-expensive wheels had much more trouble than I did. And I ended up with yarn comparable to the other students' when the workshop was over.
Pretty is as pretty does.
If I had thought of it (and wasn't so darned stubborn), I would've asked for my money back right then and there and LEFT - because you set a negative tone for me right off. And I won't be taking a workshop from you again because of this, even though you otherwise seemed to be quite nice. And I have difficulty keeping my mouth shut when I spend good money only to be dissed before even starting.
And you know what? I also like and use plastic knitting machines (gasp!) on occasion, and even acrylic yarn. The HORROR!
Cutting down other people's choices, just because you don't like them, isn't a good business model.
And now for your sort-of Urban-Legendy Loom Rant:
Those who keep saying Kromski Harps' ratchets & pawls don't hold - I've never had a problem with mine except for when I didn't make sure they were secure first (which I also do on the Flip - so it's not a Harp problem). Some of the early Harps did have that problem, which the Kromskis fixed as soon as they were made aware of the problem (and if you are still having a problem, contact the Kromskis - they will be glad to help you!). I keep seeing this repeated and repeated, but it's been a few years since the Kromskis fixed this problem. So those who are trying to decide between a Harp and a Flip - this should NOT be a deciding factor.
/loom rant
And now, back to your regularly-scheduled broadcast. I should have a new 'normal' post for you this weekend! :-D
Dear Spinning Teacher:
When I walk into a spinning workshop with a Babe spinning wheel, please wait until we've done some spinning or ask me about it - and try very hard not to be dismissive - before you dis my wheel. You don't know me or how long I've been spinning or what I've spun on which wheel. Dissing my wheel when I first walk in makes for an unhappy workshop attendee. And you basically told me that you weren't going to help me, because I have a Babe and one time someone else had a Babe and they had an awful time in your workshop. Huh?
And since you didn't ask -
YES, I can spin fine yarn on my Babe Production wheel.
NO, my Babe doesn't wobble hither and yon nor threaten to fall apart - my Babe is a sturdy, versatile spinning wheel.
No, a Babe Production wheel is not the optimum wheel for fine/super-fine spinning, but that doesn't mean it can't be done. Address difficulties with spinning this stuff using Irish tension (Babe is only one manufacturer) along with Scotch tension spinning difficulties - adjustments have to made for both types of wheels.
I've done 99% of my spinning over the years on my Production wheel, and it has always done what I've asked of it, thankyouverymuch. I noticed that the expensive wheels didn't make spinning this stuff easier for everyone; several people with more-expensive wheels had much more trouble than I did. And I ended up with yarn comparable to the other students' when the workshop was over.
Pretty is as pretty does.
If I had thought of it (and wasn't so darned stubborn), I would've asked for my money back right then and there and LEFT - because you set a negative tone for me right off. And I won't be taking a workshop from you again because of this, even though you otherwise seemed to be quite nice. And I have difficulty keeping my mouth shut when I spend good money only to be dissed before even starting.
And you know what? I also like and use plastic knitting machines (gasp!) on occasion, and even acrylic yarn. The HORROR!
Cutting down other people's choices, just because you don't like them, isn't a good business model.
And now for your sort-of Urban-Legendy Loom Rant:
Those who keep saying Kromski Harps' ratchets & pawls don't hold - I've never had a problem with mine except for when I didn't make sure they were secure first (which I also do on the Flip - so it's not a Harp problem). Some of the early Harps did have that problem, which the Kromskis fixed as soon as they were made aware of the problem (and if you are still having a problem, contact the Kromskis - they will be glad to help you!). I keep seeing this repeated and repeated, but it's been a few years since the Kromskis fixed this problem. So those who are trying to decide between a Harp and a Flip - this should NOT be a deciding factor.
/loom rant
And now, back to your regularly-scheduled broadcast. I should have a new 'normal' post for you this weekend! :-D
Can you tell me how to contact the Kromskis? I'm only finding the US distributors. I really like my Harp but the ratchet and pawls need to be replaced with the new design.
I'm sorry you encountered someone with prejudice against Babes. I have an electric version and love to use it for plying.
Kimberly, at 4/22/2009 1:57 PM
Hi Kimberly!
Use the US distributor addy:
They will fix the problem. I have heard nothing but good things about Kromski's customer service! :-D
Thanks; I've had people poo-poo Babes before just because of how they look, but I was hoping a spinning teacher wouldn't be like that. :-( But I proved that the Babe could do it!
CL, at 4/22/2009 9:08 PM
Yay for you! I have a Kromski Prelude spinning wheel and people will often discuss how it is a beginner's wheel... Well, so far I have found nothing that it will not do. And as for my Kromski Harp, I have never had a problem. I love them both.
Linda, at 4/23/2009 7:12 AM
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! Your rants have beautifully said what's been on my mind for years! :-) I'm going to buy a Babe wheel this year and have a blast spinning on it! :-) They are EXCELLENT wheels!!! :-)
I also have a Harp loom and LOVE it! I have one of the earlier ones (with the curved top heddle) and Kromski sent me new pawls and ratchets FREE with the BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER!!!
Kromski and Babe rock and so do you!!! :-)
Denyse, at 4/23/2009 8:48 AM
Thank you for your support!
I think people see 'inexpensive' and think 'cheap' and 'unworkable' and just can't get past that prejudice.
I LOVE Kromski products. They are beautiful and well-built and engineered. The Prelude is a beautiful wheel! If I wanted a saxony-type wheel to travel with, a Prelude would be just the ticket. It may be 'good for beginners', but that doesn't mean it's not good for experts too! And for pete's sake you don't need to spend $1000 to spin fiber!
I still really really REALLY want a Mazurka (mahogany, please, if someone is going to buy it for me :-)), even though it's single treadle (sigh). I'll have one some day. :-D
CL, at 4/23/2009 9:17 AM
Thanks Denyse! :-D
I did hesitate posting this, but since it wasn't the first time I've run into the Babe-bias (and the Harp former-problem), and the Babe-bias was still bothering me two days later I figured it was time to 'say' something.
I hope it works!
CL, at 4/23/2009 9:23 AM
Muchísimas gracias, España!
I took a quick look at your blog and it looks very fun! :-D
CL, at 6/16/2009 8:28 AM
Boy do I FEEL YOUR RAGE! I was totally FROZEN OUT of a LYS spinner's group! AFTER I'd been INVITED THERE - by their group {pack} leader! I mean - at the DOOR of the LYS & the chill - only got WORSE thru the 2 hour meet!
STUFF them & the woman who NEVER made eye-contact with me - but APOLOGIZED to the REST of this snooty gang - that the ONLY REASON she HAD a BABE wheel - was because her DH didn't want to BLOW a LOT of $$$ on a wheel - IF it turned out she HATED Spinning & it was ONLY until she could AFFORD to... waittt for ittt... "Buy a REAL Spinning Wheel"! BUMP de BUMP that!
I'd MUCH prefer to spin in PUBLIC with VERY interested & curious passersby or blissfully ALONE - than have to freeze my hindparts off listening to those Witchypoos Dissssss my BABE & ME for being a BABE Dealer & DARING to enter THEIR group with such spinning sacrilage! Spinning Snobs - Blechhh!!! Ahh... THAT felt BETTER!!! Teri
Teri, at 8/07/2009 12:49 PM
Hi Teri,
Sadly there are 'craft snobs' everywhere. I've gotten the same reaction from "real weavers" who diss RH looms, and "real knitting machine" owners who use the metal knitting machines - and don't get me started on the 'correct way to knit'. I don't understand why they have to be that way when I'm happy with what I'm using/doing.
No one disses Babes at our spinning club - I'm sure it has helped that my GF & I bring at least one Babe to every meeting since Day 1 (we started the group), and sometimes more. And since that's what I bring 99.9% of the time, I think they've seen that they are perfectly fine wheels (plus we have super-nice and very smart members :-D).
And I think the fact that Nels is still in business speaks volumes about his wheels!
CL, at 8/09/2009 4:18 PM
Your rant is absolutely spot on. As I said to you on Ravelry (but it never hurts to repeat oneself-lol) - those who behave like that are perfect chuckleheads with not a brain cell between them.
I wish you'd said something to her about her stupid, unreasonable and untrue prejudice and then walked out, demanding your money back.
I'm a spinning teacher and I own BABES! LOTS of them. I LOVE them! I encourage my students to get one instead of some other brand. Most don't listen to me - they're dazzled by the pretty wooden ones, but... they find to their chagrin that MOST of those well-known wheels don't work as well as my Babe Production - and they aren't as versatile as the Babe :-). Told 'em. I have an Ashford Country Spinner - frankly, it sucks wind for just regular spinning. I don't LIKE it at all, but need it for my yarn barf!
Fairy Spun Fibers, at 9/10/2009 3:21 PM
Thanks, FSF! :-)
I was so taken aback by her attitude that I didn't think of walking out - but I will next time, if I run into that again even though spinning workshops around here are like hen's teeth.
Sorry to hear you don't like your Country Spinner - I thought about buying one at one point but I'm glad I didn't - the Bulky Pinkie is IMO much more versatile.
I've heard very good things about the Babe Bulky wheel, and he sells them with round or delta orifices. I thought about getting that instead of the Pinkie, but the Pinkie makes more sense to me (for now (grin)).
CL, at 9/11/2009 7:08 AM
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