Loomy Thoughts

Sunday, July 12, 2009


The gray stuff is FINALLY finished!!!

(Except for washing - the weather hasn't been cooperative.) I'm getting pretty fast at Navajo-plying. :-D

And... I've also finished the Spunky Eclectic roving! Here it is on the Tenor Spindolyns ready for plying:

That is just shy of 4 oz. of roving.

And here is my Spindy plying set-up - it works great! (Sorry about the fuzzy picture, they were still swinging a bit.)

I didn't ply with them that close together - they were hanging probably 2.5 feet apart when I plied.

Here's a close-up of the swivel I used - I picked these up at WalMart (fishing section). It was the biggest size they had, since we're not anywhere close to the ocean, but they were just big enough.
(Click to biggify.)

The only 'problem' I had with the setup was once the spindles were almost empty, they were no longer heavy enough to stay vertical. But it was a minor inconvenience right at the end of plying.

Plied on the Pedal Pusher, now that it's FINALLY free:

And on the niddy noddy - isn't that just the coolist yarn??

I couldn't decide which side I liked better, so I posted both! :-D

I'll have to skein it eventually, but for now I'm going to admire it on the niddy noddy. :-)

I did a bit of cotton-spinning on the Production too, but decided to experiment with it (some other time) and spin some on the Spindolyn and some on the Liten Spindel and then compare the three and see how much difference there is.

No tomato pics today; it still looks sad but has quite a few almost-ripe cherry tomatoes on it. And the Hound tried to pick one yesterday - he's very fond of tomatoes (weird dog!).


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