Loomy Thoughts

Saturday, April 25, 2009

A lot of spinning photos, and no weaving

(Most of the photos in this post can be biggified by clicking on them.)

But first, why I love the guest/craft room in the Spring:

Both the crabapple and the viburnum are blooming like crazy, and the viburnum has the most heavenly scent. So trying to get the room cleaned up and sorted out so one can walk in there isn't such a terrible chore. :-D

That which "cannot" be spun on a Babe:

There's not much on there yet because I ran out of time, and it's not frog hair, but I don't want super fine yarn.

Here is my first skein of three different types of prepared cotton - boy is there a difference!

The outside yarn on the niddy noddy was the last spun, and it was from a puni so it's much more even. From inside to outside - ginned cotton (prepared with a bow); spun from the seed (that was fun!), and spun from self-prepared punis. Ginned and spun-from-seed cotton will be bumpy.

This was the most fun, but it had the least amount of cotton:

We blended a bit of cotton with different colors of polyester - I really like how mine came out. I've never done color-blending before.

More varieties of cotton:

(L-R: Candlelite (Spindolyn); Fox Fibre (Babe); recycled denim (Babe)(all from sliver))

The Fox Fibre was really interesting - the sliver in the middle of the 'red' is what it looks like before boiling. The green, when unboiled, didn't really look green either (though it looks more green than it does in that photo). I did learn I can't ply for nothing from a cotton center-pull ball onto a Spindolyn. :-( That yarn looked much better before I tried to ply it.

A handy thing to have for a spinning workshop is a mini niddy noddy:

(mini niddy noddy, nøstepinde, Spindolyn, lazy kate)
The samples we got at the workshop didn't make a whole lot of yarn, so the 2-yard niddy noddy wasn't very useful. So I made a 1-yard for the second day, and yesterday I made this one that is just barely longer than the width of my hand. The mini is pretty fun to use with these small skeins.

I'll leave you with a photo of one of the lilacs on the other side of the house. I tried to catch a photo of the butterflies that were feeding, but they were too quick for me.



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