Loomy Thoughts

Monday, March 21, 2011

It looks like Spring!

The lilacs are budding...

The geese have returned to our (almost underwater) island...
(click to biggify - you can just barely see the white on her head to the right of the tree)

And it's nice enough to spin on the deck again!

(with my shadow, of course!)
I had to switch to the other bench after a bit as the front on the glider is just too high to sit for long comfortably.  But it sure was nice being outside for awhile - breezy, not too sunny, lots of birds singing, the Kindle was reading a Sherlock Holmes homage story to me....

While spinning away, our local fox almost caught the gander - hopefully the gander will be a bit more alert now.  Wish I'd had my camera to hand to catch a picture of him!

My sister seems to like the heavy spindle I made for her; I made a couple smaller ones too, but she stuck with the larger.  And she *loved* the baby alpaca. :-D  I think she needs a better teacher though!



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