Loomy Thoughts

Saturday, July 29, 2006


A major lesson was learned today. Never ever EVER use just cardboard as filler on the end of the web as you take it off the loom - or you may get this:Notice how the last pick has come away from the rest of the web? Sigh. Why yes - this is placemat #5 - how could you tell? I believe this particular mat is cursed. ;-) Next time I will use some kind of yarn to hold the web intact.

Luckily, I was able to tighten it back up with the overhand knots you use for the fringe. I normally don't do fringe - I don't like fringe - but figured it would make the finishing-off process for my first weaving project easier. So far so good!
I put the cardboard under the edge of the mat to make it easier to see what I was doing. Hmm... those knots looked more even while I was making them. Oh well, as my father-in-law says: "You can't see it from the Statehouse!". I decided to stop for today after knotting that side - I don't want to tempt Fate.

To make the knots I used a crochet hook to carefully disentangle the 2 strands I wanted to knot together and put my hand over the end of the mat to keep the web intact in case something snagged. I also used a hook to pull the threads through. This particular hook has a bit of a point on its head, making it quite useful for this sort of thing. For the rest of the mats I will be putting the web on a table and hold down the web edge with something very heavy to keep the web intact. After I get all the edges knotted, I'll trim the fringe to either an inch or a half-inch long. Hopefully I'll be better at knotting by the time I'm done!

I decided to stop after these 5 mats; I have some time before I will need a sixth. Every way I came up with to add on additional warp involved re-threading the heddle, and if I'm going to do that I might as well just do a 'regular' warp. I did finally find a method of adding onto a warp in one my books. But I am going to try to do better in planning my project next time!

I'm going to curl up with my weaving books and look for my next project(s). I found an interesting-looking bag in one of my general weaving books, but I'm not sure if I need more harnesses to make it or not, as it involves 3 different laces. And it might be beyond my attention span just yet. I bought a Tissanova loom recently (a variation on the rigid heddle), so I'll be puzzling over that for awhile as well. It is like Good Woods' Magic Heddle looms, but older and with no instructions! LOL It might be a better loom to try the bag on, as it is smaller than the Harp.



  • those look great. Can't wait to see your bag. I have two I completed on my blog using my kromski harp. I have another on there using 10/2 cotton and two heddles.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/29/2006 7:01 PM  

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