Loomy Thoughts

Sunday, April 29, 2007

I've been a busy bee....

Yesterday I re-warped the Harp (isn't that a pretty chain for my first try?):

and I warped the Flip (isn't that quite the messy chain for my second try?):
using the cut-off warp from Friday's Harp-warping attempt. (I don't know why that first pic has a green-ish tinge to it.) I still have quite a few pieces of that first warping attempt left over, and I'll be able to use the Sugar & Cream part for the weft - probably on the Flip project since it's narrower - less joining that way. I really like the colors together, which ought to keep me motivated on these two projects. I need to remember when I start weaving that I want to do hems on these, instead of fringe.

I wound on this afternoon, but I haven't sleyed the heddles yet as my back needs a break (and I did some aerobic gardening this morning), but I'm planning to sley the Flip after I soak in the shower. I did chance on a tiny improvement on Kimberly's warp-a-RH-by-yourself method. Instead of using pop cans (that kept slipping off for me), I remembered these wrist weights and just pulled a handful of warp through the hole and secured it with a dowel through the loop. It's easier to slide these down too, compared to the pop cans. The grey ones are one pound, and the red ones are a half-pound.

Hopefully I'll get started weaving tomorrow or Tuesday.

Oh - I almost forgot. My plan o' the day actually worked pretty well, but I decided not to continue plying yesterday. I'll save that for later this week or next weekend, I think.

I'm also thinking of having DH make me a different warping peg. This one will be horizontal, instead of vertical, with longer clamping pieces for a better grip. I'm not sure if it will work, but I'm going to run it by him and see what he thinks.

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  • looks great. I changed the way I hang weights too and it's made it much easier. I now put a slip knot in the hanging warp and and S hook goes into the knot and I hang weights from that. Next time I warp my loom (hopefully later this week) I will take some photos for you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/01/2007 9:33 AM  

  • Thanks Kimberly!

    By Blogger CL, at 5/01/2007 11:16 AM  

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