Loomy Thoughts

Saturday, June 02, 2007

I don't think *that* was supposed to happen...

There I was, winding my first plied yarn onto my niddy noddy for washing, and THE BOBBIN WHORL POPPED OFF.
Surprisingly, it wasn't horribly tangled; probably because I started with the bobbin that was only half-full. Since it is the drive whorl (of course), I'm not sure this bobbin will work properly any more - I'll have to check with Nels.

But, I continued on (very carefully), and ended up with this:

It actually looks like yarn! :-) I think I need a shorter niddy noddy though - that wasn't easy!

I got a little more spinning done on the red stuff, but still can't tell that I've made a dent in it. Guess it's going to take longer than I thought (as usual).

I plan to get to the Flip project today, I'm just not sure when. DH wants to go to the matinee, so that will probably take care of the afternoon. Good thing I don't have a deadline!



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