Loomy Thoughts

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I've been Weaving!

(and knitting!).

I finally started weaving for the huipil top (and I'd bet I've misspelled that name again):

I'm quite a bit further along than that now - I took the pic after a couple hours of weaving (and retying onto the cloth beam), but it's progressing slowly. I was hoping to have more done by now, but I'm so used to using a narrower loom that using the Harp's long shuttles is slowing me down even more than usual (plus I'm having a sci-fi movie marathon and you do have to look at the TV screen often). But I like how it's turning out so far! And lucky for me, I'm off tomorrow and DH isn't, so I might get more done (fingers crossed). I'm going to see if I have some shorter shuttles before the next winding.

This is the third sampler from the current batch of Textures & Patterns samples - it's the 5/2 lace if I remember correctly (and I probably don't):

This has been done for awhile, but I was having trouble getting a good pic of it.

Another thing I've been having trouble getting a good pic of is the wristwarmers. I bound off the second one last night, so they are DONE. I really like how they turned out, except my solution for 'no-thumb' didn't work out the greatest.

The color is way off in the photo, but it was the only way I could capture the cabling.

My new weaving center:

Wow this sofa is great for weaving! It's firm yet comfy for long sittings at the loom, and with it up off the floor I can get the loom stand's feet underneath it so the loom is closer to me. That means I don't have to lean forward so much (thus saving my back/shoulders/neck). And it arrived (ordered online from Target) just in time for the nasty cold I ended up with last weekend (therefore no blog post) - it's quite comfy to lay on too. Surprisingly DH doesn't seem to be interested in it, but the dogs like it of course (though Gimpy Dog still prefers either of the La-z-Boys (sigh)).

I'm planning to cast-on for the Summer Triangle Shawl tonight, but I might not get much more done than that - but at least I'm finally starting it. I'm also planning on getting the Baltic Sea Stole out and finishing that this year - keep your fingers crossed - that is a lot of lace-knitting for me! :-/

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  • Beautiful weaving, Cindy! :-) See, I told you I'd post a comment soon. :-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/19/2009 3:43 PM  

  • Thanks Denyse! :-D

    It looks better now that I am further along. Unfortunately I did not get as much weaving in today as planned (one of the dogs broke a knitting needle that I need for the Summer Shawl, so I spent the morning surfing for lace needles), but I still advanced the warp a couple of times. :-)

    By Blogger CL, at 1/19/2009 6:29 PM  

  • Yes, it's the yellow that I really like - really cool-looking weave! The white is nice, too. What a great shirt. I hope you bring that for show and tell!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/24/2009 8:57 PM  

  • Depends on if I ever get the shirt finished! LOL It looks like I'm making progress, but I can't tell how much warp I have left - probably more than I think. :-/

    By Blogger CL, at 1/25/2009 3:37 PM  

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