Loomy Thoughts

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weaving progress...

I've made some progress on the rug...

I'm really enjoying this weave. :-) And while I was weaving on the rug yesterday, Sirius/XM's Book Radio channel played several chapters of Edgar Rice Burrough's "At the Earth's Core" - I love ERB stories so it made for a really nice afternoon. I'm now into an extra-long brown section and am going to stop there for awhile while I work on the other projects.

I also started a new sample on the Flip from the Textures & Patterns book - huck:

I'm enjoying this pattern too, though I'm not sure why I have gaps between each pattern block. Perhaps once it's off the loom it will fill in better.

I also did some more on the shirt, but didn't make a lot of progress this weekend. I hope get it off the loom this week though. Keep your fingers crossed!

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  • The rug looks great! :-) You are an inspiration! Beautiful weaving and such straight selvages. :-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/26/2009 7:15 PM  

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