Loomy Thoughts

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Sorry, everyone! I took a couple of days off of crafting (well, ok, it was more like 4 days off), so don't have anything to report. I sort-of started the project on the Hearthside loom last night, but the lighting is awful where I am working so I couldn't see what I was doing. Since that loom isn't very portable, I need to find another spot where I can leave it set-up. It may end up being my listening-to-the-radio-on-Saturdays project, as the only other room I think I can set it up in is the guest room, and there is no tv (gasp!) in there. ;-) There's not a lot of open floor-space in there either, so it might be tricky.

Tonight is Spinning Night (yay!). I really want to get out one of my drop spindles and try to drop-spindle spinning again (I don't do that well at all!), but I need to get the alpaca spun. It never fails - I always want to be doing a different project that what I should be doing! LOL I may do just a bit of spindle-spinning, and maybe that will get it out of my system. First I need to find the drop spindles though....

I'm having serious internet connection problems here, so I probably won't be able to post any pictures until Saturday. Maybe that will give me time to actually get enough done to show some progress! :-D



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