Loomy Thoughts

Friday, May 04, 2007

Pet Food Recall

Though I tend to stick with fibery things, I wanted to bring your attention to the new Pet Food Recall button I added to the sidebar of the blog. This will take you to the latest information regarding pet foods recalls.

The pet food recall is expanding EVERY DAY, for both dogs and cats, and wet and dry foods (and it includes treats as well). Yesterday the FDA said that up to 8500 pets may have died from bad food (up from yesterday's report of 4000). It is outrageous that ingredients in our pets' foods were not tested for safety first, and that the company that knew there was a problem delayed reporting it.

Please write your congresscritters regarding this; Senator Durbin of Illinois has added an amendment to the FDA's budget appropriation regarding food safety - please let your representatives know you support this. Informational link here.

Thank you!


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