Loomy Thoughts

Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Sunday Dishcloth Edition...

Of course I forgot to take a picture of dishcloth number 2 before I wound it on the cloth beam, but here is what I can show you:

This was two picks of each color (white & blue) - you don't have to pay as much attention to this as you do with the one-each. With one-each, you need to remember to 'catch' the first warp thread, so you have to watch what you're doing.

Here is number two - with 3 colors one pick each:

It's hard to see, but the third color is a pale yellow. It doesn't show up in the pictures too well, but it looks nice in person. I do prefer the all-blue, probably because blue is my favorite color.

And here is #1, #2, and #3 close-up (of varying picture quality - I'm not sure why #1 looks so much more blue).

I'm using the cut-off warp from the first Harp warping attempt for weft on these, and using the russian-join instead of overlapping them as weavers usually do (there would be an awful lot of overlapping in each piece otherwise). It's not very obvious so far, and these are just dishcloths anyway. I'll probably be learning how to hem these with the sewing machine; though I did hemstitch the bottom of the first cloth, I can't imagine how that would hold up to anything. From what I can see so far, hemstitching makes a nice base for fringe, but it's not really a hem. I'm also trying out old venetian blind slats for spacers - they seem to work ok, but so far I'm only using one at a time since I'll be sewing hems instead of doing fringe, so I don't need so much space between each cloth/towel.

It looks like I have plenty of warp, so I'll stop and think about whether I want to do more combinations (if I can think of them - I'm not very outside-the-box creative-wise). Actually I probably should be doing housework thinking about them - I've been busy playing with the loom all weekend. :-) And it's looking like I might need to buy more weft yarn - I'll have to check my stash, but the blue is looking kind of low (and I started with a cone!). I think I would like doing these cloths in yellows as well, but I don't think I have any yellow carpet warp for warping, and probably not enough yellow Peaches & Cream either.

I also need to get started on the Harp's weaving, but I sure am enjoying this small project (I might be tired of it by the time I get to the end of the warp though!).

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  • those look great. I have used venetial blinds as spacers as well. They work ok. I also use them to wind the warp on the back beam. Also took some pictures of the "S" hook weighted warp. Can't find your email to send you pictures though. :(

    By Blogger Woven Spun, at 5/07/2007 2:53 PM  

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