Loomy Thoughts

Monday, October 13, 2008

Not much to report again...

I washed the log cabin runner (and tried covering up my weaving error, but I'm not sure that's going to work), and did a little weaving on the mp3 bag. I also made some progress in picking out projects for all of the RHs.

I've run across a shirt I would like to weave and have finished by April, but I'm not sure I can do it that quickly - it's not plain weave and IIRC it involves using a pickup stick, which I haven't done in ages. :-/ Plus I would probably need to buy some yarn for the project (the horror!!).

I also washed 3 skeins of plyed yarn - I finally feel like I'm making progress on spinning the gray stuff!

A couple of interesting things to report - Schacht has a new small rigid heddle loom available:
The Cricket. I will be getting a look at one tomorrow; however, if it really is of plywood as it appears to be, I'm disinclined to pay that much even though I've been wanting a smaller RH that is more 'easy to use' than my Mattel. I've been meaning to build a small one, but it's one of those 'tuits' - I'll get around tuit someday. :-/

Also, Interweave Press has a new RH book coming out in November:
Weaving Made Easy that I have on pre-order at Amazon.com. I wish it were here now, as at least on the previews it looks pretty interesting!

It looks like a good Fall for rigid-heddlers! :-D


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