Loomy Thoughts

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The hood is DONE!

And, I don't even have to knit a little extra mask for it. I found if I don't exactly follow the directions (which I haven't for most of the project, so why start now?) I can pull the 'face hem' out and around my nose and lower face. :-D

(The pulled-looking stitch is probably where I tacked the 'face hem' inside - I need to fix that.) I did knit the neck too long because I read the instructions wrong, and I knit the 'face hem' too wide because I misread the instructions. But I did frog back a bit on the 'face hem' - though not to the required width. But it's warm, and DH says it looks nice (in a surprised tone - not sure what to think of that! :-) ).

I also got the Hearthside loom back up on its stand with DH's assistance. I had to re-tie the warp about 5 times, so haven't started weaving on it yet (and boy are my fingertips sore!).

I am also still working on the shirt; it's coming along. I know I've advanced the warp several times, but there still seems to be a lot on the warp beam. :-( Surely I'm getting close to the end?

I spied something in Weaving Made Easy that I might want to make (a short small project), but all of the RHs have projects on them so I can't start yet (or I need to buy another loom!). I need more hours in the day!


  • The hood looks great and the loom very tempting! :-) Welcome back, Cindy! :-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/23/2009 3:46 AM  

  • Thanks, Denyse! :-)

    The loom actually isn't very fun to weave on - it's just too bulky/wide for me - but once I get used to it again I'll be ok. And DH is making some rag shuttles to use on it since I"m using bulky yarn. :-D It's handy having a woodworker around!

    By Blogger CL, at 2/23/2009 6:36 AM  

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